Promovec A/S

English Dansk

Promovec America Inc.

English (US)


Promovec A/S (VAT no.: 32790089) is data controller for the data that we collect concerning you and we ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with the legislation.


We take protection of your data seriously. We process personal data and therefore we have adopted this privacy policy, which informs you of how your personal data is processed.


If you wish to contact us regarding our processing of personal data, you can reach us at [email protected] or +45 7027 2623.


Personal data is all types of information that may be related to you as an identifiable person. If you do not want us to process this information, it could prove difficult to maintain and meet any contractual agreements and legal obligations.


To be our potential customer it is necessary for us to collect the following personal data about you:

  • Name, address, telephone number, e-mail

We collect personal data concerning potential customers for the following purpose(s):

  • Possible future collaboration or sales/purchases
  • Management of your business relationship with us

This information is collected on the following legal basis:

  • Processing takes place for the purpose of fulfillment of contract

We store your data for as long as the law permits, and we delete it when it is no longer needed. This time frame depends on the nature of the information and our reasons for storing it. Typically, information regarding potential customers will be deleted when the information is no longer relevant.

  • Information about potential customers is deleted 2 years after last contact or upon request.


To be our customer it is necessary for us to collect the following personal about you:

  • Name, address, telephone number, e-mail

We collect personal data concerning customers for the following purpose(s):

  • Future collaboration or sales/purchases
  • Management of your business relationship with us

This information is collected on the following legal basis:

  • Processing takes place for the purpose of fulfillment of contract

We store your data for as long as the law permits, and we delete it when it is no longer needed. This timeframe depends on the nature of the information and our reasons for storing it. Typically, information regarding customers will be deleted after the termination of the agreement.

  • 5 years after the customer relationship ends
  • Accounting material is retained for 5 years + current year


For you to be our supplier or business partner it is necessary for us to collect the following personal data about you:

  • Contact person's name, company name, company address, E-mail, telephone number and VAT no.

We collect personal data about suppliers or business partners for the following purpose(s):

  • Possible future collaboration or sales/purchases
  • Management of your business relationship with us

This information is collected on the following legal basis:

  • Processing takes place for the purpose of fulfillment of contract

We store the data for as long as the law permit, and we delete it when it is no longer needed. This time frame depends on the nature of the information and our reasons for storing it. Typically, information regarding suppliers and business partners will be deleted after the termination of the agreement.

  • The information is stored for 5 years + current years after the business relationship between us has ended


As the owner of a Promovec product, you have the opportunity to register your battery. Information that is processed is your email and battery number. The purpose of the registration is that Promovec can provide warranty on your battery and thus maintain contract with you. Your information is deleted when the warranty expires after either 2 or 5 years, depending on which warranty package is active.


If you use the contact forms on our website, the information provided will be stored in our email system for up to 2 years, or as long as your inquiry is relevant. We base our processing on legitimate interest.

If you contact us via the reseller contact form, you will be registered in our ERP system as a reseller. Your information is deleted when you are no longer a retailer with us and accounting material is deleted after 5 years + current year, cf. the Accounting Act. We base our processing on legitimate interest.



If you contact us via social media, we will delete chat messages as soon as they are processed. We base our processing on legitimate interest.


Inquiries regarding complaints are stored for 2 years after the case is closed. We base our processing on fulfillment of contract. Accounting material is stored for 5 years + current year.


When receiving a job application and relevant attachments it will be handled as follows.

The materiel will be read by the relevant manager for the purpose of answering and assessing the content in relation to the job in question.

Personal data that emerges in the recruitment process will be processed on the following processing basis: We base our processing on legitimate interest; It is in the interest of the company and the data subject that personal data is processed in connection with the recruitment process.

We will keep your application with attachments until we find the right candidate for the job and the recruitment process is completed. After this, your application with attachments will be deleted.

If we would like to keep your application with attachments, we will contact you to get your consent to this.

With regards to unsolicited applications, we will save your application with attachments for 6 months, after which they will be deleted. 

Your consent is voluntary, and you can withdraw it at any time by contacting us using the contact information above.



We have taken the necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent that your data accidentally or illegally gets deleted, leaked, lost, corrupted, becomes known to any unauthorized persons, abused or in any other way processed against the legislation.

The data controller ensures that the processing can only take place when all data protection principles are met cf. GDPR Art. 5.


We only collect, process, and store the personal data necessary to fulfill our purpose. Furthermore, it may be determined by law, what type of data it is necessary to collect and store in connection with our business practices. The type and the extent of the personal data we process may also be determined by the need to comply with a contract or other legal obligations.


Since our service depends on the fact that your data is correct and up to date, we ask you to inform us about relevant changes in your personal data. You can make use of the contact information provided above to inform us about your changes, then we will make sure to update your data. If we notice that any data is incorrect, we will update the data and inform you about this.


Your consent to receiving our newsletter is voluntary, and you can withdraw it by contacting us at any time. If you want further information, please use the contact information above.


We use a number of third parties for storage, hosting, and processing of data, including IT suppliers. They only process data on our behalf and may not use it for their own purposes. In relevant cases data may be transferred to e.g. banks, debt collection, transport companies etc.

We only make use of data processors in EU or in safe third countries, including companies in countries which can protect your data properly.


  • You always have the right to be informed of what data concerning you that we process, from where we have collected it and what we use it for. You can also learn for how long we store your data and who receives data concerning you if we transfer data in Denmark or to foreign countries.
  • If you request it, we will inform you of the data we process concerning you. Access this may be limited to protect other people’s privacy, business secrets and intellectual property.
  • If you think that the personal data we process concerning you is faulty, you have the right to have it corrected. In that case you must contact us and inform us of the error and what the correct information is. Please be as specific as possible, as any imprecisions may mean we cannot correctly identify the data that needs to be updated.
  • In some cases, we will have an obligation to delete your personal data. This is for instance the case if you withdraw your consent. If you think that your data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, you can request its deletion. You can also contact us if you believe that your data is processed in breach of the law or other legal obligations.
  • Complaints can be lodged with a supervisory authority – in Denmark this is Datatilsynet.
  • You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. You can also object to the transfer of your data for marketing purposes. If your objection is justified, we make sure to stop the processing of your personal data.
  • If you want your data transferred to another data controller or data processor, you have the right to make use of data portability.
  • On our own initiative, we delete your personal data, when it is no longer needed for the purpose, we collected it for.

When you contact us with a request to have your personal data corrected or deleted, we examine whether the requirements are fulfilled, and if that is the case, we make the changes or delete as soon as possible.

You can make use of your rights by contacting us. Please find our contact information at the top.

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